Let’s slice through the noise and have an open chat. Finding the ideal marketing agency in this buzzword-infested, lightning-paced media world is no small feat. It seems like every corner you turn, there’s a new ‘groundbreaking’ fix or an expert peddling the latest algorithm scare tactic (but let’s be real, it’s often just hype).
We’re not here to bombard you with jargon or pressure you into anything. Contrary to what some might believe, it’s completely normal not to catch every marketing curveball.
Consider this blog more of a casual chat, where we loop you into conversations we’ve had with clients, prospects, and even family. It might just offer a fresh perspective, spark some new ideas, or help you find a bit of order in the marketing madness.
Industry-Specific Expertise vs. Versatile Skills: The Dilemma
Recently, Aimee’s (our founder, for those who are new here) Dad came to her asking for advice on an offer he had received from an SEO company for his charter boat business. The SEO company had ‘pitched’ that they were specialised experts in charter boat marketing, showcasing their success with his competitors. Aimee’s response and concern to her Dad was ‘how does this SEO company plan to navigate the waters of competition among similar clients without causing conflict, increasing cost per cost, increasing time invested (therefore increased costs to clients) or diluting their strategies?’ Especially in Perth, WA (where we are located) – we’re not the biggest capital city.
The above scenario isn’t unique to the boat chartering industry. We’ve noticed this is quite common in the hospitality and tourism industries too, but on the flip side, it’s businesses who are actively seeking agencies with industry-specific experience. However, while specialisation within a particular industry may seem appealing at first glance, we’re believers that the true magic lies in the versatility and creativity that goes beyond industry boundaries.
Sure, having a deep understanding of a specific sector can have its advantages, especially in niche markets. But what happens when your agency’s expertise becomes your competition’s advantage too? How do you ensure your business stands out in a sea of similar offerings?
Our Approach: Embracing Diversity and Adaptability
We’re believer in a different approach. Rather than confining to the boundaries of a single industry, we embraced diversity and adaptability in our strategies. Why? Because we recognise that the core principles of marketing transcend industry lines. But that’s not all – when we partner with a client, we don’t just skim the surface. We dive deep into your business, really getting to grips with your objectives and goals. We take the time to understand the nuts and bolts of how things work, figuring out how marketing can not only boost sales but also elevate your entire operation. Our approach is a unique blend of big-picture strategy and attention to the fine details, tailored specifically to your business.
Importantly, we gather a wealth of intel – insights that you wouldn’t want to be used in the marketing strategies for your competitors.
At the core of impactful marketing lies an understanding of consumer behaviour and the ability to connect with your audience on a deeper level, in a way that speaks to them and their unique needs. It’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with people, regardless of the industry you operate in- this is something we see time and time again, businesses getting tunnel visioned into what they want to say, or being influenced by their competitors, rather than truly connecting and focusing on their ideal audience.
Another factor to consider when working with an industry-specific agency is that you run the risk of idea fatigue. And how will you stand out if you’re using the same concepts recycled over and over? Trends come and go, but the core principles of marketing remain steadfast.
Embracing Disruption: Dare to be Different
Now, let’s talk disruption (a key marketing principle that many fear to explore). In today’s fast paced market, we believe in disruption. We’re not just talking about disruption in terms of going viral based on a reel or trend – we’re talking about real, impactful change. And what fosters disruption? Thinking outside the box. Not following the crowd, but instead, daring to be different within your industry.
When you’re stuck in a niche, it can be hard to see beyond the confines of your industry. But when you’re working with a team that operates across diverse sectors, you open the door to new ideas, a wealth of knowledge and fresh perspectives that have the power to help your business stand out in the crowd.
Ok, so we tried not to be too bias… but I think it’s evident that we’re firm believers in thinking beyond industry-specific expertise. We would encourage you to look for a partner who can offer diversity, innovation and adaptability. Because in the ever-changing landscape of marketing, it’s those who dare to push the boundaries who truly stand out.